Friday, June 17, 2011

Chap 1 - The Start

( A/N : The length of each chapter will increase VERY MUCH for the later chapters so I might part them in two. Thanks for reading and stay tuned!)


Carmen put her favorite paintbrush lightly on her lap. The green field she painted on her block pulled her in. She breathed in the humid air Seoul air, the pouted as she was jerked back to reality.

Heavy footsteps sounded the once empty hallway.

Li Jaeun broke the lock on the art room door with a wide grin on her face that seemed to be killing her. She took a deep breath then screamed.

" He's here! The Student Council President is here!!"

Carmen sighed, then feigned ignorance by turning back to her artwork.

Jaeun fumed, stomped over, and pulled Carmen up by the arm. She glared at her for 3 seconds as something changed in her eyes.

" You're coming." she asked, although it sound more like a command " won't you?"

Carmen thought about the consequences she would have to face is she refused.

Jaeun looked at her in anticipation.

Carmen finally nodded, then shook Jaeun's arm off.

"I'll go by myself"



The noise made his ear itch. He looked at the cramped hallway that he would have to go through.

'This is gonna be something' he thought.

Just then, a girl fell down in front of him. She muttered what seemed to be curses then stood up, as if even being there was a pain.

As soon as she got up, she saw the only all-famous Park Kang Min in front of her.

The crowd silenced.

Carmen felt bile rise up her throat with embarrassment. "Um.. I, uh... Y-You know.." she mumbled to herself, then looked at him in the eye.

He snickered, annoyed at the current situation.

"hey," he hollered. "If you have nothing to say," he leant closer " then don't start."

He flicked his bangs to the side, earning himself a loud squeal from the girls at the sidelines.

Carmen rolled her eyes. She hesitated, but caught the man's wrist just before he could leave the place.

She stepped close to him. Close enough to whisper into his ear.

"Meet me at the rooftop at 2," she said "and don't be late."

She quickly spun around and walked back to the room she felt best at ease. The Art room.

Because from now on, her job is done.


Jirou, Treasurer of the Student Council crept up to Kang Min.

"Who's that? You know her?" he asked chirp-fully.

Kang Min shook his head " No."

Jirou grinned " She's quite the beauty."

Shizuka, Vice President of the Student Council smacked Jirou's head.

"Onii-chan stop fooling around. Sometimes I don't even know if you've got a brain in there."

Jirou cracked up " Dude, I may not have the best brains, but I've got the hottest look of the century!" he boasted.

Kang Min slid his hands in his pockets and strutted off by himself.

"Hey!! Kang Min! Wait for me!!" Jirou ran after him.

Shizuka took her glasses off as she stared at the girl who just appeared without any notice.

'Time for an investigation' she thought.

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